Pilates for BJJ

Over the last two years I have become completely obsessed with Brazilian Jiujitsu.

My son Vincent had been training BJJ at Reigate Martial Arts (Memento Mori Martial Arts) for a few months when his coach suggested I try a class. One class and I was hooked!

BJJ Is an amazing sport that combines both physical and mental strength. You need to be technical with your movements and have a strategy of how to advance your position and dominance over your opponent.

As I progressed in my training it was hard not to see the similarities in the movement practice of Pilates and BJJ. The use of our bodies to create frames, structures, power and execute dynamic and coordinated movement.

There are also parallels in the core principles of Pilates that clearly represent a constructive training code for those studying BJJ.

  • Awareness

  • Balance

  • Breathe

  • Concentration

  • Centre

  • Control

  • Efficiency

  • Flow

  • Harmony

  • Precision

The principles that personally stand out to me for all my physical pursuits are precision and flow.

It is my ambition to apply these principles to my BJJ training; to have the right balance between technical ability and the beauty of a continuous controlled flowing movement. (Those who train with me will know that this is a work in progress!)

Aside from the similarities there are many benefits that Pilates can provide for those training BJJ:

Pilates can enhance strength, flexibility, coordination, speed, agility and endurance all valuable attributes for any sport but particularly those involved in martial arts and combat sports.

In Jiu-jitsu we are often in flexion of the spine, the hip flexors and hamstrings. A focus on extension of these muscle groups in Pilates can help counterbalance these actions offering an opportunity to rebalance muscle groups and promote good posture.

Although the intensity of BJJ is something I love it can be hard on the body. I have had injuries that have been rehabilitated with Pilates or simply avoided by the body awareness that Pilates can develop.

Although for many BJJ participants the idea of taking valuable training time and dedicating it to Pilates may feel a waste of time I assure you it will enhance your training and keep you fit for more hours on the mats!

I am very proud to be a part of the Checkmat team and to have received my blue belt this year under Martin Hollis.

I hope to continue to progress in BJJ and to share with my team mates the benefits that Pilates can offer.


In August 2020 I was promoted to purple belt by Martin Hollis.